The promise is DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY SUCCESS as you ditch the status quo of sacrificing what you love and grinding your way to burnout. Join the BLISS CHALLENGE to prove to yourself that the HAPPIER YOU ARE, THE MORE MONEY YOU MAKE!



In this 5 day challenge you will get EXPERT NEUROSCIENCE OF SUCCESS TRAINING THAT OTHERS HAVE PAID $2,997 for absolutely FREE!


Special Challenge Bonuses:

When you register today for the free Bliss Challenge, 

you will get immediate access to a delicious meditation!

Bonus #1: 

Project Coherence Meditation Mp3

  • Generate Heart-Brain Coherence with Heart Math
  • Flood your body with the neurochemistry of LOVE
  • Connect with the Unified Field
  • Reduce Anxiety 

The Happier you are, the more money you make

What If There Was a way to earn more income, 

without ever experiencing overwhelm ....

what would you do with all that free time and peace? 

Discover the truth about the Neuroscience of success, and how to ensure you manifest your juicy dream life!




Melanie McCool, C.Ht

  •  The Entrepreneur's Hypnotherapist
  • With more than 20 years experience as an entrepreneur, she combines the neuroscience of success, money mindset, sales confidence training, hypnosis and NLP to help you to quickly remove subconscious blocks and end the cycle of procrastination and self sabotage.
  • Lives by the mantra - "The Happier You are, the More Money You Make!"
  • ​Her mission? To facilitate your breakthrough so you can reach your highest potential!



"It helped me tremendously with clarity and renewed determination to my calling and purpose."

- Biljana K

"Complete utter peace around money and spending, even in tight situations that would normally induce fear and anxiety."

- Carly D

"I never knew the POWER of hypnosis and the radical impact. I'm a better person in everything I do!"

- Steph P


See what others are saying about 

Melanie McCool's Work

Dear Ambitious Entrepreneur,

Today, I’m going to ask you to take a leap of faith.

I’m going to ask you to set aside the idea that the 24/7 hustle and grind is the key to success.

In fact, scientific evidence now proves that prosperity, not scarcity, is our natural state of being.

That’s good news because things that are natural, do not need to be forced… they simply need to be allowed to flourish… the weeds and obstacles to growth removed.

But there’s a problem...

This leap of faith also goes against the din of voices that shout their conventional wisdom at you. Voices we’ve all been asked to believe--and obey--both consciously and subconsciously.

These voices remind us that some people are born with certain gifts, talents, and opportunities while others are not…

… that talent and high intelligence and god-like willpower are precious gems to be polished precisely because they are rare and scarce.

The rest of us?

We are to accept our fate.

We are to be “ok” with the limitations they say are built into our genes, our circumstances, our past choices, and the choices of generations of our ancestors.

In other words, they want us to believe we are doomed to repeat the genetic failings of our ancestral lines… that we are simply pawns subject to the genetic kings, the circumstantial queens, and the hard working, ever hustling rooks, bishops, and knights of society.

They say...

We can’t ALL be happy. We can’t all be healthy. We can’t all be rich. And certainly not ALL at the same time.

We’ve been led to believe, both by the powers that be, and well meaning friends and family, that there’s simply not enough to go around. 

We’ve been sold the lie that things are valuable only BECAUSE they are scarce… BECAUSE they are lacking. 

We’ve been patted on the head and told to be realistic. To be grateful. Content with our lot in life. 

Oh sure, you deserve your “fair share.” 

But don’t you dare expect to be more, do more, or have more--they will label that as greed. 

We’ve been conditioned to believe that success, if attainable at all, requires a 24/7 grind (mentally, physically, and spiritually). 

And if we do start to break through and find success in this world? 

Our friends and family and religion and pop-culture drag us back to “safety” by warning us success will cost us everything--including our families, our health, and even (or maybe especially) our integrity. 

And of course, they remind us too that a little more talent (and luck) than we were born with is needed if we REALLY want to succeed in life. 

The trouble is… 

Conventional Wisdom Isn’t Working

As an entrepreneur you realize prosperity isn’t tied to genetics, talent, circumstances, luck, or even IQ.

You understand you’re not bound by those things.

Which is smart. Because the data is in and the conventional wisdom narrative is, quite simply, not working.

Consider these 3 headlines I pulled with a quick google search:

Now, because you’re online reading this letter, my guess is that you agree with me. You agree with the research. And you agree the traditional, conventional path isn’t for you.

However, if you’re like MANY of the entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, and artists I’ve worked with…

Maybe you’ve given into the part of the narrative that says:

     “... the only way to deal with lack is through hard work, will power, grit, and relentless hustle.

Who could blame you!?

This 24/7 hustle and grind narrative is all over instagram and facebook...

It’s convincingly displayed in all its cinematic glory on motivational YouTube channels too...

But here’s the truth that these people either don’t know, are hiding, or haven’t yet discovered...

The need to hustle and grind 24/7 isn’t just ridiculous, it’s unsustainable at best and at worst… it’ll take you down and try to kill you.

I know because that was my story...

From Broke to Millionaire to Broken...

In case we haven’t met, my name is Melanie McCool. And for more years than I care to admit, I bought into the conventional wisdom narrative.

And the cost?

Well, while I did become a millionaire, I almost died too. 

That’s not me being dramatic. It’s what actually happened. 

You see, I thought I’d finally “made it.” 

I was a millionaire. 

But it wasn’t enough... 

Raised by a single mom who was surrounded by a poverty mindset, I literally “shopped” for my school clothes from the charity box at church. On top of that, there was often literally nothing to eat in the house. I don’t mean nothing we felt like eating. I mean nothing to eat.

And even though after a while things got somewhat better, the lack and poverty mindset stuck. 

In my 20’s I dove into the world of personal development. I was both shocked and mesmerized. It changed the course of my life.

In my 30’s I took another dive into the world of professional development. I discovered tools and techniques and mindsets I could use to work my way out of the lower working class. 

I was starting to win… at least in my career. 

Because at the same time, I’d gotten myself into a toxic marriage. And I didn’t know how to cope. So, I worked even harder. 

I hustled harder to increase my earnings. I grinded to master my craft. And I made it. 

Or so I thought. Because despite my rags to riches story, I was also overworked and miserable (because my core belief was still “making money is hard work”). 

Plus, I was getting rid of the money as fast as I could (because “rich people are evil”). 

Both of these underlying beliefs reinforced the cycle of overworking. 

Worst of all, I developed a life-threatening stress disorder that forced me out of my career. 

Despite my bank account being healthy, my body, mind, and spirit were broken.

I had no choice but to stop what I was doing and go on a journey of self-discovery. I spent tens of thousands of dollars, countless hours of research, and invested in numerous mentors, counselors, and guides to find a better way. 

And what was the number one thing I discovered? 

Through it all, I learned that in order to regain my health and return to my work, I needed to reprogram my mind.

I also discovered a science that unlocked my own ability to rapidly reprogram my mind for prosperity. 

It didn’t require me to spend years in psychotherapy. I didn’t need to rely on learning some effective but slow technique like transcendental meditation. And I didn’t have to depend on outside “help” from reiki or some other healing modality. 

Instead, after all my searching, I discovered there was only one thing that would undo the damage of childhood trauma, and the hidden, subconscious beliefs installed by the narrative that were sabotaging me.

And it can do the same for you...

Prosperity Isn’t “Out There” to Attract, It’s Inside You to Create

“The single most powerful asset we have is our mind. If trained well, it can create enormous wealth.”

~ Robert Kiyosaki, author Rich Dad, Poor Dad

So back to that leap of faith…

I’m inviting you to…

  • Set aside the idea that the 24/7 hustle and grind is your key to success.
  • ​Try a better, easier, and faster way to the true prosperity your mind, your heart and your soul long for.
  • Discover a new language of prosperity that opens up what’s possible for every area of your life.

It’s the same journey I’ve taken.

And now I want to be your guide as you discover this amazing journey from hustle and grind and scarcity and lack to prosperity and ease and flow.

You see, human willpower and intelligence and intuition and discernment and talent are not labor intensive to harness like coal or oil. 

Rather, they are more like sunshine in the southwest or wind along the coast--abundant and available. 

The problem isn’t your inadequate genes, IQ, talent, or luck. The problem isn’t that you aren’t working hard enough. 

The problem has been your inability, until now, to tap into, unblock, and guide the internal resources you already have… to activate all that knowledge and wisdom… to harness all those relationships… and to let all of who you really are flow. 

Few of us know our true ability to create the lives we really want. It’s so easy to miss just how close we are to having it all. 

Fortunately, through my own trials, I was able to uncover a way for you to tap into all of your unactualized potential with almost zero effort and certainly without hustling harder. 

As I mentioned above, this science of programming prosperity into my heart, mind, and soul literally saved my life and my career. 

Even better, it reprogrammed how my mind, body, and spirit perceived business, wealth, creativity, time, health and all of the other things I thought were lacking or scarcely available to me except through ridiculous effort. 

And I’m not the only one experiencing astounding results thanks to this new science that literally reprograms you for true prosperity.

Today, I’m going to ask you to take a leap of faith.

And this, my friend, is what awaits you when you join the Bliss Challenge!



For A LIMITED TIME Get FREE Access To The Bliss Challenge Training and INSTANT-ACCESS to Project Coherence Meditation Mp3

Melanie McCool is Proudly Certified in:

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